
My Gay Husband

            As I'm sure some of my loyal followers know I'm quite the adamant fan of a well dressed man. However, the more I keep on my track of these, lets call them pants saggers, a new wave of well dressed men have been catching my eye and making me stare in appreciation. The gay man. Being a student of art school, a fashion major, and also just because its become exceedingly more acceptable in this 21st century, I am constantly surrounded by gay men. Among other aspects what I've noticed most is that in general their way of dress is unlike the straight an narrow members of their species.

           Their way of dressing has such a range for from polished and preppy to outlandish and exotic. Its bold and experimental and just as cocky as their personalities to match. Coming from a girl who at one point felt bad for men because I thought they couldn't accessorize like women; I'm outright taken aback at the depth of detail and  artistic expression these individuals put into the attire. Some of these men I would down right marry based on their dress and swagger alone even if it meant a constant struggle to 'turn them back straight'. Yes my gay husband is definitely a force to be reckoned with here are a couple of examples:
Brad, Rachel Zoes former assistant

Glamo from Glam Factory

My friend Manny

another friend Dennis

my hubbie mike

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